How long do hair transplants last?| Nuance Health

How long do hair transplants last?

Hair transplant lasts lifetime. Hair transplant surgery is permanent and it is a surgery that will make you happy when you look in the mirror and say that you are glad you had it done.

hair-transplant lifetime in Turkey

Hair transplant is not a procedure that will stop the natural aging process. As you get older, it is normal to have hair loss in areas where hair has not been transplanted.

To keep the your hair transplant results, you must carefully follow your surgeon's recommendations and take proper care of your hair. This includes the following:

  • Washing your hair on a regular basis with a gentle shampoo and conditioner.
  • Stay away from harsh styling products and chemicals.
  • Sun and wind protection for your hair.
  • Eating a nutritious diet and exercising on a regular basis.
  • Do not smoke or consume large amounts of alcohol.
  • To prevent additional hair loss, use a hair loss drug such as finasteride or minoxidil.
  • Maintain regular appointments with your surgeon to track your progress.

Overall, hair transplant Turkey are a safe and successful method of restoring lost hair and improving one's look. Your hair transplant should last for many years if properly cared for.

Factors that affect forever hair


Your genes are a crucial factor in determining the overall health of your hair and how long it will continue to grow. It's just a fact that some people are more prone to losing their hair than others.


Hormonal changes, such as those that occur during pregnancy, menopause, and certain medical illnesses, can also cause to hair loss. Hormonal imbalances can also be a contributing factor in hair loss.


A number of medications, including those used in chemotherapy and some antidepressants, are known to induce hair loss as a side effect in certain patients.

Diet and nutrition

Another factor that may play a role in hair loss is an unhealthy diet, particularly one that is deficient in critical nutrients.


Stress that is either severe or continues for an extended period of time can cause hair loss.Hair loss can also be caused by a number of medical problems, including alopecia areata and thyroid disease, for example.

Procedures for styling

It is possible to cause damage to your hair and even loss of hair by over-styling it with hot styling tools and harsh chemicals.

Is hair transplant permanent?

Yes, hair transplant is permanent.

What percentage is hair transplant successful?

Hair transplant is successful about 85-95%. Hair transplant success rateis generally very high.

What happens 10 years after hair transplant?

A research published in the Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery indicates that the 10-year success rate for hair transplantation using FUE and DHI is approximately 90%. Additionally, the research demonstrated that the transplanted hair exhibited an authentic aesthetic and could not be differentiated from the adjacent hair.

Do hair transplants last a lifetime?

Yes, hair transplants last a lifetime depending on genetic, diet and nutrition and stress.

Can you still go bald after a hair transplant?

Yes, you can still go bald after a hair transplant. Hair loss is possible at non-transplanted areas.

Is hair transplant in turkey worth it?

Yes, hair transplant in turkey is worth it. Because Turkey has a lot of advantages such as exchange rates and experienced surgeons.

Is it painful after hair transplant?

Yes, it is painful after hair transplant. It is common to experience a tight, achy, and swollen cranium for a few days following a hair transplant.

How much is a hair transplant in turkey?

Hair transplant in turkey costs ary between $2,500 and $7,500.

How long does a hair transplant take to heal?

Hair transplant takes about 10-14 days to heal.

After a hair transplant how long does shedding last?

Shedding lasts between 2-12 weeks after a hair transplant.